Diversity bot helps improve inclusive language at scale by detecting non-inclusive language and making suggestions. Our comprehensive list of 500 non-inclusive phrases and diversity calendar are the best resource for educating your team on diversity and inclusive language.
Try Diversity Bot for freeFeedback will be delivered privately, not in public. Diversity Bot only sends private messages to team members when they use non-inclusive language, reminding them of a better alternative.
Try Diversity Bot for freeFor teams committed to diversity and inclusion, creating welcoming workplaces is a year-round initiative. Knowledge of cultural, religious, and secular holidays and celebrations can enhance your workplace diversity-and-inclusion efforts.
Add diversity calendar for freeStudies found that inclusive teams actually make better business decisions up to 87% of the time, and they make those decisions twice as fast within half as many meetings. Decisions made and executed by diverse teams also delivered 60% better results, maximizing business performance substantially.
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